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(Pre) Building Props

(Pre) Building Props


Upgrade and improve your city buildings with these suitable props.

This pack contains more than 120 different assets, intended for completing and detailing your city buildings. It includes storefronts, shop-and advertising signs, ATMs, doors, lanterns and lights, floors, pipes and much more. Some of the materials provided contain customizable parameters such as color change, roughness or emission intensity. Where it is needed, there are also emission maps and instanced parameters available, for use in night scenes. All props using PBR workflow, the texture resolution is mainly 4K, depending on the asset it can go down to 256x256 px. 

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 160 ( +16 meshes used for buildings and grounds for presentation purposes )

Collision: Yes, automatically generated and custom made

Triangle Count: ranging from 2-4806

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 14+46 ( +4 additional materials used on the grounds and buildings for presentation purposes )

Number of Textures: 75 ( +2 additional textures used for presentation purposes )

Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096, 2048x3048, 1024x1024, 256x256

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Documentation: No

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