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(Pre) Cartoon Crystal Shader

(Pre) Cartoon Crystal Shader


Easy to use crystal shaders!


  •  Parallax Mapping (Base, Cracks, Bubbles) Advanced or Simple
  •  Color Curves or Base Color texture for base color
  •  Crystal Cloud
  • Fake SSS
  • Cubemap
  • Emissive
  • Mask Map
  • RimLight
  • Specular
  • Detail Normal
  • PBR Workflow
  • Animation (Pulse, Pulse with texture, Noise)


  • 4x5 Unique Crystal Models (20 total)
  • 4x3 Crystal Cluster (12 Total)
  • 1 Background Mesh


  • 2 Master Crystal Material (Opaque, Translucent)
  • 12 Crystal Material Instance (LODs included)
  • 1 Background material with 1 background material instance


  • 2 Base Color, 1 Mask Map (R-Metallic, G-Roughness, B-Emissive, A-Thickness), 1 Normal Map for each crystal
  • 1 Cube Map
  • 2 Base Parallax Map, 1 Bubbles Base map, 1 Cracks Map, 1 Composite Map, 1 Mask map, 1 Cloud Map, Each of the mentioned maps have unique textures in the RGB channel.
  • 5 Detail Normal Map
  • All of the Textures are 2048x2048 pixels
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