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(Pre) Cathedral Of The Dead - Victorian Cathedral

(Pre) Cathedral Of The Dead - Victorian Cathedral


A Victorian Cultist Cathedral Environment That Will Take Your Game To The Next level!


  • Modular meshes: more than 42 modular cathedral pieces, These will enable you to expand and build additional cathedrals or any other Victorian buildings
  • Iconic Meshes: More than 20 unique pieces
  • Textures: Trims and Tillable textures that you can use in your other environments!
  • Props: fill-in props to dress your scene.
  • Optimized: Customized lightmap UVs and colliders.
  • Material Shaders/Vertex Paint: A set of shaders that enable vertex painting of 2 materials and customizable instanced materials that enable tessellation, sub surface scattering, wind, vertex animation and glass..
  • Materials: more than 15 tilling materials including wood, stonel, fabric, bones and floor tiles. Materials use - normal maps, roughness, metal, base color, ambient occlusion and may have emissive, opacity or custom masks too.
  • HD: Texel density ~512 pixels/m.
  • Detail: Blood decals as well as damage decals
  • Scene: An Optimized scene of a Cathedral, inspired by the souls series.
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