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Citizen NPC

Citizen NPC


The Citizens NPC pack comes with a load of assets to create a variety of citizens.

The Citizens NPC pack comes with a load of assets to create a variety of citizens.


Multiple SK Itemgroups: hats, hairs, heads, chests are ready to be assembled your own unique Citizen.


Be it a police officer, a business man, a scientist, a pedestrian or even firefighter. The pack gives you a basic start point to fill your world with Characters from different job families.


Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. Each body part can be tweaked manually.


For compatibility to other asset packs (like carrying baggage or reading a journal), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and main- and off-hand pivots are aligned to its hand grip. Main- and off-hand slots are also prepared in the Blueprints to receive your data.


The female Skeleton is based on the default Epic rig with adjusted proportions for more feminine appearance.

All Character types come with suitable hats to create variation between these Characters.

Different Head Types: Caucasian, Asian, and dark skinned.

Hospital/Scientist: 3x Chest: Cloaks, basic shirt/Trousers secretary and surgeon

Police/Security: 2x Chest. Uniform, and protection Vest & Glasses

Worker/Firefighter: Basic Uniform

Businessman: Sako Vest & Shirt Version

Casual Citizen Pedestrian

Kitchenworkers: Chef, waiters, clerk

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