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(Pre) Cyberpunk Environment Megapack (Modular / with Interiors )

(Pre) Cyberpunk Environment Megapack (Modular / with Interiors )


Cyberpunk Environment Megapack with Interiors and Vehicles more than 650 Assets


  •  AAA Quality / All in one Megapack
  • Fully Modular Buildings / Roads
  •  Over 650 Unique Meshes
  • 6 Different Interiors (Restaurant , Sushi Bar , Pizza Bar , Night Club , Laundry , Storefront )
  • 7 Vehicles / 5 of them are Driveable / Animated
  • Sets of Each Prop types (Benches / Structures / Modular bridges / Signs / Billboards and much more )
  •  3D Interior Cubemaps
  • Vertex Paint for Raindrops and Dirt
  • Buildings / Vehicles / Props and more
  • Big Attention to details
  • Sub Levels for Cinematic Camera Lightings
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