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(Pre) Cyberpunk Interior Environment Kitbash Set

(Pre) Cyberpunk Interior Environment Kitbash Set


The asset kit for Cyberpunk interiors environments creation. Contains asset necessary to bring to life cyberpunk, sci-fi or realistic environment. Includes architecture pieces, props, ground details, decals, neon etc.
Environment kit for cyberpunk/sci-fi and realistic environments creation. While being focused mainly on interior part it contains large number of modules, props, materials, and decals to bring game environment to life and being able to build all in AAA quality


  • AAA game quality
  • Fully PBR Textures
  • Contains Demo Level to illustrate quality
  • Large set of props and materials
  • Customizable elements

Texture Sizes:

  • 4096x4096 (27)
  • 2048x2048 (89)
  • 1024x1024 (9)
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