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(Pre) Cyberpunk NeoCity Z

(Pre) Cyberpunk NeoCity Z


This is a near future city with streets, buildings, shops and several moving signs.

You can create a variety of futuristic scenes with 91 different modular meshes and different materials.

Its urban background contains moving cars and camera animations in the Sequencer.


Note: Cars do not move during gameplay, they only move in Level Sequencer play.


  •  Built for modularity for the most flexibility in design
  •  Colorizable buildings, props let you harmonize your scene
  • Volumetric clouds
  •  LevelSequence

Number of Unique Meshes: 91

Collision: ( Yes/ automatically generated )

Vertex Count: 4 ~ 13,102

LODs: (Yes)

Particles: From EPIC ( UE4 StarterMap]

LUT: 1

LevelSequence: 1

Decals: 17

Blueprints: 6

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