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(Pre) Dystopian City Environment

(Pre) Dystopian City Environment


Dystopian City Environment has everything you need to create your Cyberpunk Universe, including over 250+ unique meshes, Building Mesh Blueprints and Highway Spline System.


  • City Island Map consisting of 10+ City Blocks
  • 11 pre-built Building Meshes with various Sizes
  • Library of High Quality Tileable Materials for easy modification
  • 25+ Building and Prop Blueprints for easy use
  • Highway Spline System surrounding whole Island
  • 3 Vehicle Props (including Police Car)
  • Moveable Billboard Material to enable variety and modification
  • High-Detailed Streets having different heights from ground, furnished with many prop groups
  • Landscape Auto-Material with 6 Different Layers


Number of Unique Meshes: 255

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: max=205.600 vertex(SM_Building_1), min=41 vertex (SM_LogSimple_1)

LODs: Yes, 3 LODs

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

  • Master Materials: 18
  • Material Instances: 101
  • Unique Materials: 3
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