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(Pre) Fire / Spells / Traps VFX Pack

(Pre) Fire / Spells / Traps VFX Pack


This pack contains a collection of fire effects with many parameters.

All effects have different parameters that can be easily customized (colors and size for example).

The effects are created with Niagara.


  • Fire : Change the parameters dynamically (color, intensity, area of effect).
  • Smoke : Choose the smoke according to your project.
  • Distortion.
  • Dark Fire.
  • Flamethrower : Emitter collisions are automatically supported.
  • Skeletal Mesh : Just enable "Allow CPU Access".
  • Static Mesh : Fire adapts to physics
  • Projectiles : Flaming arrows, FireBall, Flaming rocks (2 versions).
  • Shot effects.
  • Explosions.
  • Traps : Emitter collisions are automatically supported.
  • Flaming ring.
  • Firewall : Modify its length and other parameters easily
  • Fire rings : You can use them in various situations (restrictions, aura, bonus etc.).
  • Arrow rain.
  • Rock rain : 2 versions.


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