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GOOD FX : Projectile

GOOD FX : Projectile


Good Particle : Projectile is pack that helps you to add some cool and projectile effects to your game. Variety of style and impact effect included. So,if you are developer and you have no time to make this,I made it for you.


  • 100+ Particle for Projectile ( Impact particle Included ).
  • 10+ different types of FX. ( Fire / Ice /Hitech / Mana / Creature/ Others ).
  • All particles have 3 LOD's.
  • Simple blueprint included. 



  • Number of Levels : 1 showcase
  • Number of Blueprints : 1
  • Number of Textures : 158( 128 ~ 1028 pixel )
  • Number of Materials : 78
  • Number of Material Instance : 141
  • Number of Material Function : 1
  • Number of Particles : 152 ( Sprite/ Ribbon / Mesh Type )
  • Number of Meshes: 57
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