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HQUI: Progress Bars

HQUI: Progress Bars


HQUI Progress Bars is a pack of highly customizable UMG Progress Bars.

Due to considerably more setting details than the standard UMG Progress Bars and technical preparation, it‘s the ideal tool to design high-quality Progress Bars in UMG and adapt them to your own UI and HUD design.


The progress bars are equipped with useful additions such as gradients and a detailed effects section. In addition, the progresses can be executed both statically and temporally interpolated. A manager function allows context-sensitive execution of the most relevant settings via Blueprint. All Percent commands that are executed via an Interpolated Progress bar are queued and executed automatically one after the other.


  • Linear and Circular Progress Bar
  • Independently managing Progress Bars
  • Detailed Effects Section
  • Various Custom Blueprint Nodes
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