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(Pre) Japanese School Collection - 5 Asset Packs, Over 200 Assets

(Pre) Japanese School Collection - 5 Asset Packs, Over 200 Assets


Huge collection of asset packs to create japanese school environments

This asset pack includes in total 234 unique assets with several of them having multiple material variations


Assets are in a real-world scale and have created with dimensions to mirror real-world schools as accurately as possible. All the assets have PBR materials. Weighed normals are utilized to give uniform look and smooth edges for all the assets. Textures come in a packed form, reducing the file size when distributing your game. The models, in general, are relatively low poly and each one of them comes with 4 LODs, so these assets are suitable also for mobile as well as for PC / Console environments.

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Huge collection of Japanese school-related assets
  •  Modular building pieces to build environments
  •  Consistent style across all assets
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