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(Pre) Kyoto Alley

(Pre) Kyoto Alley


This collection includes models of Kyoto houses and other ancillary assets to create beautiful Kyoto traditional alleys.


  • 7 Houses (Blueprint)
  • 27 Roofs
  • 5 Doors
  • 4 Roof ornaments
  • 3 House fences
  • 7 type house windows
  • Five-storied pagoda
  • 3 Trees (weeping cherry trees, willows, maples), bush, and 2 plants
  • 2 Street walls
  • Stairs
  • Bamboo fence
  • 2 benches
  • 2 Paper lanterns and lantern stand
  • 6 Stone floor materials
  • 2 Stone monuments
  • 5 Lamps
  • Manhole
  • 2 Shop curtains
  • 7 Commercial free alphas for signboard
  • 4 Signboards
  • 6 Commercial free posters
  • 5 pots
  • 2 Gutters
  • Umbrella and stand
  • Mountain
  • Sky
  • Day and night lighted demo map
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