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Master Flipbook Material for VFX

Master Flipbook Material for VFX


Now you can finally use Flipbook on the meshes in the particle system and with new looks to!

This Master Material ("Master_FlipbookVFX") lets you finally use Flipbooks on Mesh Type particles for shaped slashes, half sphere explosions, or any mesh of your choice. But that's not everything, you can also have the access to multiple tools to modify the looks of your Flipbook sequence. Even without any Flipbook the Material itself provides enough dept to create a lot of new types of shaders with just few Textures and some parameters, making it perfect for creating meshless VFX like a CPU fire particle for example.


This whole Master Material ("Master_FlipbookVFX") comes with a lot of tools and most of them are parameters that can work perfectly with BP/Code if needed, some of them are linked to the life of the particle system and Dynamic Parameters. For more information on the topic you have 3 Maps at your disposal to guide you trough the 3 of the most important parts of the Material:

  • The Flipbook System: This System let's you use sequences of sprite sheets to make a mask of opacity, or color if you like. Can Reproduce 1 - 4 SpriteSheets in a row with 3 types of time, like custom parameter, 1 sec loop, particle life time.


  • The multi noise System: With the multi noise you can deform any texture into something more "procedural" giving a more unique look every time, with this tool comes 2 types of color that can be added for more dept.


  • The Dissolve System: This tool can make your material to disappear gradually and can have Glows if you need it, can be very useful for small particles like a fire or a paper burning, but can also be applied in slashes or whatever you can possibly need.
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