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(Pre) Modular Fireworks Kit

(Pre) Modular Fireworks Kit


This modular Fireworks pack does not only come with 304 different particle effects, it also comes with some great blueprints made by Panda Studios to combine a variety of parts and create your own new fireworks explosions, firework sequences, and shows.

304 particle effects, of which 152 are small versions of the other 152.

Most effects come in a half and quarter shape so you can mix and match and create unique fireworks!

Contains 40 blueprints for a variety of firework effects.

6 materials, 14 mat instances.

1 material param collection for global tweaks.

22 static meshes/skelmeshes.

Over 50 firework sounds made by Imphenzia who is known for his high quality sound packs.


  • 304 Particle systems
  • Created with modular in mind!
  • Well structured blueprints with documentation to create your own firework shows!
  • Looks great in VR!
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