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Modular Medieval NPC

Modular Medieval NPC


The Modular Medieval NPC comes with a load of assets to equip your medieval characters as you like.

Multiple hats, hairs, heads, chests, arms and legs are ready to be assembled to your own unique composition. Be it beggar, a rich townsman or a regular citizen – it’s your choice how to fill the world with NPC’s or maybe even use the provided items as Player Character gear.

Each equipment uses a master material and a mask texture, which allow you to tweak its visual appearance in detail. For compatibility to other asset packs (like weapon animation sets), the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and main- and off-hand pivots are aligned to its hand grip. Main- and off-hand slots are also prepared in the Blueprints to receive your data.



To help you to get started with your new assets, the pack contains - beside the main Customizable Character Blueprint – NPC, Player Character and Character Editor Blueprints examples which implements all of the assets and their customization.


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