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(Pre) Modular Stadium Kit

(Pre) Modular Stadium Kit


Modular Stadium kit that allows the user to create any stadium configuration they may need. Arena, Soccer, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, Futbol, Racing

The modular stadium kit includes over 100 pieces that can be used to create any stadium or arena based upon on the users need. It works for all sports and events. The package comes with 3 pre created maps allowing the user to view how it is created. It simply created to be the facade of the stadium its not created for use in player interaction.

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • 245 different static meshes
  • 3 Pre-constructed maps.
  • 51 different materials including panning textures for add displays.

Texture Sizes: (please list resolutions for each texture)

  • 1024x1024
  • 512x512
  • Texture Size All textures are 1024 or lower

    Collision: No

    Vertex Count: Low

    LODs: no

    Number of Meshes:245

    Number of Materials and Material Instances: 51

    Number of Textures:`100

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