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(Pre) MW Conifer Trees Forest Biome UPDATED

(Pre) MW Conifer Trees Forest Biome UPDATED


MW FOREST: Complete biome solution to build a photorealistic conifer forest. Full procedural forest generation. Photogrammetry models and textures of trees, rocks, debris & plants. Powerful materials and landscape shader.

Complete biome solution to build a photorealistic conifer forest. Full procedural forest generation or painting.

Highquality photogrammetry models and textures of trees, rocks, debris, plants and more. All assets with full sets of LODs, tweaked for maximum performance at photo realistic quality. All asset setup for painting or full procedural forest generation. Build incredibly detailed forests with a few clicks. There is a large variation of foliage actors, plants, twig and rock assets. A advanced ground material with 4 different surface types and auto slopes. Also included, wind system and procedural winter system. Powerful materials and landscape shader, highly tweakable.

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