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(Pre) NeuroFractals Pack

(Pre) NeuroFractals Pack


Line models kitbush

These models are result of computer simulation which was written in to FBX files. Special shader controls the thickness and color across the lines. All models can be transformed as regular objects. 

Technical Details


  • 12 different model types
  • Multiple variations for each model type
  • 21 special textures for varying parameters
  • Specialized shader
  • Example scene

Texture Sizes: 256x256

Collision: No

Vertex Count: 30-40k per model

LODs: No

Number of Meshes: 60

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 17

Number of Textures: 21

Supported Development Platforms: PC (was not tested on others)

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC (was not tested on others)

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