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(Pre) Niagara Effects03 4.23

(Pre) Niagara Effects03 4.23


Lưu ý khi mua: Đây là bản dành cho UE 4.23, cần fix trong phần timeline để dùng cho bản 4.26 và 4.27

Niagara Effects Pack 03

This product was built using the following Beta feature in UE4. Epic does not support backward compatibility for assets, the API for this feature is subject to change, and we may remove functionality at our discretion.

  • Niagara


Niagara Effects Pack 03 that include advanced Niagara Particle system and materials.


  • Niagara Effects that include advanced Particle system and materials.


Number of Effects: 9

Number of Textures: 47

Number of Materials: 68

Number of Meshes: 27

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