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(Pre) Orbit Camera System 4.25 - 5.0

(Pre) Orbit Camera System 4.25 - 5.0


With the Orbit Camera System you can predefine Cameras, their orbit behaviour and switch between them with a variety of options

The Orbit Camera System extends the Unreal Engine by a new Orbit Camera type and and Orbit Camera Manager. This will allow you to place multiple predefined OrbitCameras in your Scene with predefined Orbit behaviours like: Zoom range, Rotation limits, PointOfInterest / Focus Point, and more. The Cameras have dynamic Focus so you get amazing Depth of Fields effects by default.

The Manager then lets you switch between these Cameras with various different Options like: Black Fade, Blur Viewport or a nice Transition Rotating and moving. All these options can be customized via Curves. It also enables you to control a selected Camera (Rotate, Zoom, Set new Focus, Pan,...) with custom Inputs.

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