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(Pre) Power Explosions VFX Pack // Color Explosions // Dust and Sand explosions

(Pre) Power Explosions VFX Pack // Color Explosions // Dust and Sand explosions


The FX pack contains powerful game-ready explosion effects (made in cascade particle editor). Take a look at the video presentation for more details.

Technical Details


  • These are the particle effects made inside cascade editor. The effects are optimized for real-time applications.

Type of Emitters: (CPU, MESH)

Number of Unique Effects: 12

LODs: (Yes)

Number of Materials: 24

Number of Textures: 17

Number of Unique Meshes: 1

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Important/Additional Notes:

  • Some of the effects contain lights inside the cascade editor. Please remove them if you don't need the lights, you want to add them some other way, or if having lights is too expensive for your app
  • All particle elements have the decal inside the particle system. The decal is just a flat particle placed horizontally. If your environment is not flat, please use the particle effects from the folder Particles/NO_decal (or remove the BURNED_decal emitter from the particle system)Also you can use a deferred decal material called M_decal_mat.
  • Explosion effects have only 3 sizes (sm, med, lrg), if you want different sizes just make the new one that consists from several effects (with a little bit of delay in launching)
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