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(Pre) QA Office and Security Room

(Pre) QA Office and Security Room


A completely modular kit with more than 450 objects to build an office interior with the any number of floors


  • fully modular (includes modular interiors, modular ventilation, modular pipes, receiving headsets, etc.)
  • more than 450 unique objects
  • atlasted textures
  • created demo scene (this demo video and screenshots)
  • Customizable materials for walls, floors and some furniture
  • interactive doors (doors have basic drawings for opening/closing at the touch of a button)
  • Good for VR

Texture sizes: from 512 * 512 pixels to 4096 * 4096 pixels.

Collision: Yes. Some automatically generated custom collisions and some collisions for each polygon.

Number of triangles: ~ 689 thousand Tris for the demonstration scene on LOD0.

LODs: yes, where necessary

Number of cells: 523

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