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(Pre) QA Police Station

(Pre) QA Police Station


Completely modular kit with more than 300 objects that allows you to build an authentic police station.


  • modular
  • more than 300 unique objects
  • atlasted textures
  • created demo scene (this demo video and screenshots)
  • opening doors and drawers

Number of cells: 467

Collision: Yes

Number of triangles: 773,000 trice for the entire demo scene

LODs: Yes

Number of materials and copies of materials: 16 basic materials and 112 copies of materials.

Number of drawings: 63 drawings

Texture count: 220 textures, including BaseColor, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, AO

Texture dimensions: from 1024 * 1024 pixels to 4096 * 4096 pixels.

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