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(Pre) Rain and Auto_Material Landscape

(Pre) Rain and Auto_Material Landscape


This is a highly customizable rain and auto-landscape pack. Easily customize the clouds, rain, landscape, winds and much more.

You can easily change many parameters such as cloud colors, cloud opacity , cloud size, rain amounts, rain tilt angles, rain fall speed, rain size, rain mist amounts. The Blueprint controls the rain systems behavior such as how long each rain cycle last, how fast the rain transitions between them, rain amounts for each intensity ect..This pack comes with 2 auto-landscape materials, trees and grass. The two landscape materials do pretty much the same thing, they are just simply made differently so you can choose to use which ever method you feel more comfortable using. There is 4 instances for the landscape, all have their own style. All auto materials blend between 3 materials, rock, grass and dirt based on slope angles ( which you can easily adjust to achieve the look you want). A light function material is also included that cast cloud shadows onto the landscape, you are able to adjust its opacity if needed.The pack includes 9 grass clusters, all are fully customizable and animated, you also get 5 single blade grass meshes ( this allows you to position them and convert them into a static mesh so that you can make your own custom grass clusters). This also comes with 5 tree meshes, all animated as well and are fully customizable.

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