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Realistic Dynamic Sky System

Realistic Dynamic Sky System


RDS system is a pack that helps you to get a realistic and dynamic sky for the environment of your game.

Realistic Dynamic Sky System or RDS is a unique dynamic sky that is extremely realistic because it uses real sky textures, smoothly changing them day and night.In addition, there is the implementation of a fully dynamic weather(Rain and thunderstorms ),the wet surfaces,volumetric clouds,wind,changes in the density of the fog,Sun flare effect and support of Custom Lens Flare VFX .Designed and optimized specially for Virtual Reality and PC/Console games.


· Smooth HDR sky textures changing

· Dynamic Weather (Rain effect,thunderstorms,dynamic wind and fog)

· Full day/Night Cycle with editable length (in real minutes)

· Wet Surfaces simulation(Custom Material function,which can be easy added to any material)

· Moon phases

· Dynamic Stars layers

· Lens flare effect for sun

· Custom Lens Flare VFX compatibility

· Over 100 parameters to customize

· Volumetric clouds with dynamic density and coverage

· Can be used for Dynamic or static lighting


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