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(Pre) Realistic Grass Pack 01

(Pre) Realistic Grass Pack 01


Realistic Grass Foliage for Architecture and Games

Dviz realistic Grass Pack Pack , is a photo-realistic Foliage pack( 3d Realistics Grass, 3d Realistics Materials ) optimized to Archviz. Can Be Use Game Dev. as well. This Unreal Engine 4 pack, was designed with the goal to be photorealistic . All Geometries, Variations, Materials, and Textures were ideally designed.


  • 16 Realistic Grass Models that can be customized
  • 6 Physically correct Materials with infinite variations
  • Planes Geometries
  • 2 HDRI 8k Size
  •  Example / Instruction Map

Texture Sizes:

  •  2048
  •  4096
  •  8192
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