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(Pre) Realistic Ocean Simulator 4.26

(Pre) Realistic Ocean Simulator 4.26


This is an implementation of a realistic and highly customizable ocean simulation. This simulation can transition from calm to stormy ocean conditions very easily and each keyframe can be customized individually.

A highly customizable ocean simulation that will allow the user to create interesting transition from stormy to calm ocean conditions. This simulation is highly customizable with a rich set of parameters allowing a very fine grained control for each and every aspect of the simulation itself.

We mimic the Beaufort scale in order to represent each sea state (Calm, windy, stormy etc). We have a set of a maximum of four individually customizable ocean conditions that can be used then as animation keyframes.

Also an advanced and very customizable foam system has been implemented. In this way it'll be possible to adapt it and chisel it based on your application/game needs.

The water surface material is opaque, more details on the parameters involved in the simulation are presented in the showcase video.

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