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(Pre) Red Desert Pack

(Pre) Red Desert Pack


This package contains high quality nature. It is ideal for the creation of a post apocalyptic or Wild West game.

The pack includes these items: Desert plants that grow in Arizona and Mexico (Cholla, JoshuaTree, MurphysAgave, Opuntia, Saguaro, etc.)A lot of rocks and stones.

Number of Assets: 113
Average Triangle count: 8251 (max 36729 min 64)

Texture Resolutions:
• (30) 4096x4096
• (30) 2048x2048
• (13) 1024x1024
• (5) 256x256
• (4) 8x8

Number of Materials:
• (8) material
• (4) material function
• (36) material instance

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