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(Pre) Retro Graphics

(Pre) Retro Graphics


90s style graphics asset pack

This is a collection of assets that will help you achieve 90s style graphics in Unreal Engine.

Make your environments come alive with screen space vertex snapping and affine texture mapping. Set the mood with material based ambient lighting, fog, vertex point lights, spotlights and light shafts. Create destructible objects with the help of a destructible blueprint.


  • Dithering
  • Polygon Draw Distance
  • Screen Space Vertex Snapping
  • Near Clip
  • Color Quantization
  • Affine Texture Mapping
  • Depth Error
  • Ambient Lighting
  • Fog
  • Static Vertex Lights (up to 5 per component)
  • Dynamic Vertex Lights (4 by default)
  • Pseudo Lens Flare
  • Destructible Material & Blueprint 
  • Camera Facing Sprite Material
  • Procedural Light Shaft Blueprint
  • Vertex Paint Ready
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