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(Pre) SciFi Lander Spaceship with Playable Flight System

(Pre) SciFi Lander Spaceship with Playable Flight System


This playable SciFi Lander ship includes customizable lasers, shields, destruction & more - packaged with a realistic space environment!

This package includes a playable SciFi Lander spaceship with animated landing gear, lights, a full range of sound effects, and a high-quality environment that demonstrates the Flight & weapons system (created by Davis3D). It includes single and rapid fire lasers, a Shield that responds towards the location of the laser hit, fire particles that activate based on ship health, & an explosion blueprint that includes a destructible mesh. The rechargeable shield fails upon receiving too much damage & reboots after a delay.


The ship's blueprint is easily customizable as it automatically references key child components that are used for gameplay and animation. These components include: lasers, Rocket flares, Damage particles & Camera views. The ship’s pawn includes an abundance of variables, allowing you to take full control over gameplay. Adjust the lazer sizes & speeds, rapid fire rounds, laser explosion sizes, Shield & Hull health amounts, camera distances & more!


The package also includes Physics Asteroids & Space Turrets that fire at the ship when in range - both of which can be destroyed by lasers. The asteroid & planet materials make use of fake-lighting, so the performance impact is very low, and the planet material is set up in a way that makes creating new planets very simple and easy. Both the Asteroids and the Turrets make use of a ‘Field Spawner Blueprint’ - which can be utilized to spawn many child actor blueprints within an allocated space.

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