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(Pre) SciFi Military APC

(Pre) SciFi Military APC


This Armored Personnel Carrier is fully drivable and comes with a range of interactive weapons & attachments

This Armored Personnel Carrier is perfect for RTS and Third Person experiences.

It comes with a fully Drivable Pawn Blueprint with 6 wheeled suspension, a customizable material, and interactive weapons that animate appropriately with aim.

The roof attachments & weapons included are the following:

  • Optical Zoom
  • Radar
  • Ammo Pack
  • Machine Gun
  • Machine Gun X2
  • Missile Launcher


The roof attachments can be quickly changed using integer variables for front and back weapon slots, and the Missile launcher shoots a missile projectile that explodes with radial force upon impact. The explosion and bullet tracing use placeholders so you can easily add your own effects.

The APC also comes with two textured material options: Plain & Camouflaged. The materials can quickly be changed from the blueprint panel with an abundance of variables.


The package additionally includes a Static version of the Pawn blueprint for level props, allowing you to bake lighting on the APC. This blueprint comes with the interchangeable accessory variables and material controls.

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