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(Pre) Space Skybox Collection Bundle

(Pre) Space Skybox Collection Bundle


A collection of 15 space skyboxes from 3 previous asset packs. Save 20% with single purchase.

This bundle includes all skybox cube textures from the asset packs:

Space Skybox Collection 4

Space Skybox Collection 5

Space Skybox Collection 6

All skyboxes are created in material instances with a set of adjustable parameters: you can modify colors by RGB channels, contrast, saturation and brightness. In order to create the appearance of depth the textures in the material are organized in three layers: the first is the near stars layer which contains the brightest and nearest stars to the observer. The second layer is the main nebula layer and the third one is the far stars layer: stars here appears dimmer and are screened by the main nebula.

This bundle is 20% off compared to all three single collections together.

This bundle has no exclusive content not available to the single space skybox collections: the material is the same, what you get here is all the main nebulae skyboxes.

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