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(Pre) Statues X1

(Pre) Statues X1


Statues X1; a complete project with 10 styled statue models that are beautiful and very refined.

A complete project with 10 styled statue models. All models are beautiful and very refined with professional models and materials, most of them are animated. Very useful for featured animation movie, game, learning, etc.

Demo scene included ,with particle effects and matinee movie set .

Technical Details


  • 10 styled statue models; beautiful and very refined.
  • Featured demo scene, with particle effects and matinee movie set.
  • Useful and ready to go.

Type of Emitters:

Number of Effects:3

Number of Textures:59

Number of Materials:42

Number of Blueprints:3

Number of Meshes:30

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows, Mac,

Supported Target Build Platforms:

Windows, Mac,

Documentation: None

Important/Additional Notes: None

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