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Survival Game Kit V1

Survival Game Kit V1


An easy to use highly customizable game template with advanced features. Designed from the ground up for multiplayer.

Survival Game kit v1 brings together our Survival Inventory and Player Building System into one asset that works seamlessly, so you can create a great survival game. Survival Game Kit includes all the features of both assets along with huge number of new features and improvements.


UE5 support will be added when Epic allows sellers to update our assets to use it!


Main Features


  • Multiplayer Support
  • Weapons (Range & Melee)(Hit scan)
  • M4A4 (AR)
  • P1911 (Pistol)
  • M1982 (Shotgun)
  • Weapon Attachments
  • Weapon Durability
  • Weapon Repairing
  • Full Aim Offsets
  • Live Character Portrait
  • Clean UI
  • Player Building System
  • Destructible Build Parts
  • Ownership
  • Upgrading
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