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(Pre) Teleportation system (VFX + Blueprints)

(Pre) Teleportation system (VFX + Blueprints)


This pack contains a fully customizable teleportation system. It includes blueprints, Niagara VFX, and the Material Function.


  • Just adjust variables to change: Height, Speed, Color, Color Boost, Geometry, Rotation, effect Size, effect thickness etc.
  • Allow (or not) to move the effect during teleportation
  • Mesh Dissolve effect: Choose your pattern from those included (7) or use yours.
  • Fully automatized : The Teleportation blueprint automatically identifies the different meshes (to be teleported) and adds effects to them. Ideal for blueprints with many meshes (Character with sword, shield, potion, armor etc.).
  • The system is not ready for multiplayer! You will have to adapt it or use the effects with your own system. 
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