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(Pre) Tornadoes VFX Pack

(Pre) Tornadoes VFX Pack


This pack contains 11 tornadoes : Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Electricity, Blood, Darkness, Light, Futuristic, Poison, and Candy !. It includes blueprints (with many parameters) and Niagara VFX.


  • 11 tornadoes are already included ( Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Electricity, Blood, Darkness, Light, Futuristic, Poison, and Candy)
  • Just adjust variables to change: Height, Thickness, CloudsDensity
  • Choose a duration or activate "endless".
  • Orient your tornado and adjust the speed (0 = stationary)
  • If you want to adapt the colors and the amount of particles, you can easily customize the effects
  • The "parent" blueprint allows you to add your own code for all tornadoes at once. Then add your specific codes for each kind of tornado!
  • Create your own tornado by assembling the different effects included and adjusting the parameters.
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