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(Pre) Ultimate Water Shader - Meshingun Studio

(Pre) Ultimate Water Shader - Meshingun Studio


Ready to Use Shader/ 1 Master-Material/ 5 Instances/1 Water-Plane/Unlimited Possibility to Create Your Own Water.


1) Refraction with adjustable intensity, opacity, etc. (on/off switch)

2) Raindrop ripples effect on the surface. (on/off switch)

3) 2 vertex-paint channels enabling you to paint Moss, Leaves, lily pads, or anything you want on the surface of the water. (on/off switch for each channel)

4) Adjustable tile size for each vertex paint material. Adjustable speed and intensity for the movement.

5) Replaceable normal map for waves patterns enabling you to choose your tileable normal map.

6) Adjustable size, intensity, and speed for wave normal map.

7) Dynamic foam and ripples around the intersecting objects and shoreline. Adjustable spread radius, speed, opacity, and color for the foam. (on/off switch)

8) Adjustable depth parameter.

9) Adjustable colors for shallow and deep areas with contrast control between them.

10) World displacement Gerstner waves. (on/off switch)

11) 2 Gerstner wave variation with adjustable size, speed, height, and wavelength for each set and one overall intensity controller.

12) Tessellation multiplier.

13) The material is tiled all over the world allowing you to resize your water plane without any change in the size of waves or patterns. Also enabling you to snap each piece of the plane together without any seam line.

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