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(Pre) Underground Sci-Fi

(Pre) Underground Sci-Fi


Glitchy and pulsing modular Sci-Fi environment.

Everything you see on the screenshots is modular and has a huge number of customizable and interchangeable Materials. Great for futuristic and utopian Environments (bunkers, vaults, research facilities, spaceships, you name it).

This pack is a tool to create something original in a great genre suffering from clichéd representations.

Technical Details


  • Higly detailed and modular Assets (walls, floors, furniture, bizarre decor, stairs, etc)
  • Glitchy holograms, neon lights and realistic glass 
  • Particle Effects (Fireflies)
  • Vegetation, ground and water Materials for underground gardens
  • Spline wires!


Texture Sizes: 1024-4096

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