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Universal Character Customization System

Universal Character Customization System


Design your own high quality characters, rigged to the UE4 mannequin, inside the editor in seconds. Males, females and monsters. Plug and play. Beautiful skin & hair shaders. Tons of free assets (clothing, accessories, hairstyles and beards, etc.)

UCS empowers developers and players by allowing them to design high quality humanoid characters (males, females or monsters) within the engine.

  • > 50 morph targets to define the shape of the face, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.
  • 15 Bone modifiers to determine overall shape (arms size, body fat, etc.)
  • > 65 shader parameters for skin, age, muscularity, hair, etc.
  • 12 stunning hairstyles (extremely customizable morphs & shader parameters) + 7 beard styles
  • Very efficient hair wind vertex animation. Control wind direction and speed using a material parameter collection. New: Hair animation with movement!
  • >50 free cloth meshes: Medieval armors, helmets, modern T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Jackets, Pants, Glasses, Hats, etc. More added for free on each update!
  • Customizable cloth: up to 4 material layers, cloth fuzz, dirt, etc.
  • Amazing eye shader with configurable colors, veins, scale, animated glow, etc.
  • Cosmetic effects: blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick.
  • Decals (freckles, scars, etc)
  • Configurable teeth, gums, tongue, dirt, shape, orientation, etc.
  • Powerful randomizer tool to effortlessly generate new characters or create small variations to existing ones.
  • Free simple IK foot placement system
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