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(Pre) Warp Gates Pack

(Pre) Warp Gates Pack


The Warp Gates Pack comes with an assortment of Warp Gate meshes, Materials and Blueprints!

The Warp Gates Pack comes with 4 Warp Gate meshes, 4 gate entry materials, and 4 gate flow materials - providing you with a total of 48 possible combinations, excluding color changes.

Each gate's glow lighting and warp-lighting has been baked into textures using an external application, to provide you with photo-realistic warp lighting with no added GPU expense.

The package also comes with complimentary blueprints that allow you to change colors, materials and animation settings to your liking.

To animate the warp gate activation / deactivation, simply call the events through the blueprint system and the warp gates will do the rest!

Technical Details


  • 4 Gate Static Meshes (Large Gate, Large Ring, Medium Gate, Small Gate)
  • 8 Warp Static Meshes (for their appropriate gates)
  • 4 Warp Plane Material Instances
  • 4 Warp 'flow' Material Instances
  • Flickering Starry Environment included
  • 3 Warp Gate Blueprints
  • Flying Spectator Blueprint
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