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(Pre) Winter Nature

(Pre) Winter Nature


Beautiful and high quality set of winter vegetation. Suitable for creating landscapes of any complexity. Mountains, snow forests, frozen lakes, etc. It includes procedural shaders for generating snow on objects, and procedural shaders for landscapes.

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:
• (12) 4096x4096
• (28) 2048x2048
• (20) 1024x1024
• (4) 512x512
• (22) 256x256
• (3) 256x16
• (4) 128x128
• (4) 8x8
Collision: Yes, custom and automatically on rock
Vertex Count: from 23788 to 66
LODs: Yes, for each mesh (different amounts 2-3 LOD)
Number of Meshes: 34
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 9 Materials, 38 Material Instances, 3 Material Function
Number of Textures: 97

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