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Low-poly fantasy character for games


  • Face rig
  • Nude Body is included 
  • Rigged with Epic Skeleton (no need retarget, UE4 Mannequin Skeleton)
  • Clothes has 2 Color Variations - Standart and White
  • Polycount: faces 47897, tris 94963, verts 52540

Technical Details

  • Character is modular, every part can be removed or added;
  • Blendshapes (Morph Targets) Facial Expressions
  • 3rd person character animations are included as a demo
  • Have cloth simulation
  • Have additional bones: Right,Mid,Left_Rope, Left,Right_Back_Rope; Left,Right_Sleeve; Left,Right_Hip_Rope; Hair_Left,Right; Breast Left and Right; Eye Left and Right.
  • Have are two versions of the main mesh: Whole and cut
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