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(Pre) Yughues Pine Bushes

(Pre) Yughues Pine Bushes


A pack of 432 various pine bushes, animated and ready-to-use with Foliage mode.

Fill your environments with 24 different types of pine bushes, each available in 9
different shapes. Choose them being green & lively or dead & dry. All of them are ready-to-use with the Foliage mode ; Drag & drop them into it and paint them on your level. They use an animated material based on the SimpleGrassWind function. They also use vertex colors for both animation (as a mask) and meshes’ ambient occlusion.

• (432) foliages, 24 types x 9 shapes x 2 states (green, dead)
• (9) meshes, with vertex colors (animation mask, ao)
• (49) materials (1 main + 48 instances)
• (96) textures (diffuse x2, normal, ao), 1024x1024

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