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Reactive Camera

Reactive Camera


Empower your camera system to dynamically react to input in a variety of ways (pan, tilt, zoom in/out, FOV change)

The Reactive Camera Component can be inserted into any actor and allow for the camera to react according to just 2 inputs (forward & right), in a variety of ways.

Perfect for Isometric, Top-Down, Racing, 2D Side-Scrolling, Third-Person games. Get it up and working in under a minute! Can be easily fitted into most of Unreal Engine project templates in seconds!

Huge array of options (10+) to configure how you want your camera to behave according to input. Camera can zoom in/out, change FOV, tilt, pan. Everything happens automatically, in the way you want based on the input you provide.

All it requires is to have a camera system that consists of a camera component attached to a spring arm component (most of UE4 project templates have that setup already) and it will work right away!

You can enable/disable the component at runtime, plug-in player inputs to drive the reaction, plug-in Timelines or other graphs to drive the input. Can be used along all other already existing properties of the standard Camera Component.

This does NOT replace the standard camera component. It is an additional component that you add to any actor, in order to have your camera become.. reactive!

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