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RealiScan Photogrammetry Boulders

RealiScan Photogrammetry Boulders


The RealiScan Boulder package contains 8 cinematic-quality photoscanned boulders.

The RealiScan boulder package contains 8 cinematic-quality photoscanned boulders. The rocks in this package are truly unmovable large-sized rocks scanned on location. All diffuse textures have been delit via a proprietary deligthing process. Furthermore, grass has been removed from the color surface and all textures have been reconstructed at their sub-ground level. Additionally, 4 of the models have been 3d reconstructed and made truly 360 degree usable. Each model has 4096x4096 diffuse, normal and pbr maps. Polycount per model is at 3600 tris, with 3 sub-lods for maximum performance. There are also displacement maps included in the pack, for those venturous few who would like to get the maximum quality possible. The demo scene from the screenshots is included in the package.

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