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Asian Style Full Environment with optimized lighting and texturing techniques

Use the environment , expand this with provided Assets, or populate your own similar maps and designs using props provided in the pack .

Technical Details


  • 190 unique Mesh
  • 18 Full Building Prefab (Copy/Paste in your map)
  • Optimized Lighting with Mostly Baked lights
  • Prop texturing with hyrbrid of trim-sheet and combined UV
  • Hand-made LightmapsUV with maximum pixel density per island
  • Shared textures between multiple assets
  • Texture streaming ready for all assets (PTPOTS)
  • 4K textures for almost all props
  • High detail unique Props
  • Leaves decal
  • Postprocess materials for haze and sharpening effect
  • High performance demo map without LODs
  • Falling Levaes and fantasy fire Niagara Particle System
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