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Stadium / Event Fan Spawner V2

Stadium / Event Fan Spawner V2


Features: Stadium / Event Fan Spawner

  • 20 Fan models
  • 12 fan animations (10 on 4k characters) with a mixer mode to add some variety.
  • Editor utility blueprint to make switching between line and square editors easy, along with the settings to make the process easier.
  • Paint chair mode - paint patterns images or letters onto your stadium chairs with brush size and other functions.
  • Remove chair mode - allows you to remove certain chairs if there is a stadium tunnel in the way.
  •  With square editor use spline points to draw the chair area out.
  • With line, the editor uses it to curve your chairs around corner stands.
  •  Contains two different chair models one for the stands and one for the ground chair.
  • You can render over 1 million fans if you desire but recommended 250k which you can get 130 fps on a good PC.
  • Reshuffle LOD distances for lower-end computers.
  • Set phone torches constant of flashing (like taking pictures) when spawning fans to achieve the effect of phone lights at a concert.
  • Clothes Color Randomizer (8K fans only)
  • 8K tri-Fan Models Option
  • Walk to seat feature (8K fans only)
  • No chair feature with place holder (for Festivals )
  • Renamer (Rename BP when you spawn)
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