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SteamPunk / Victorian Environment Megapack (Modular)

SteamPunk / Victorian Environment Megapack (Modular)


SteamPunk / Victorian Environment Megapack , The pack made by or team with big attention to details , quality of assets and unique concepts and as well as optimization , the pack includes 345 unique models


  • Megapack with 345 Unique Meshes
  • Attention to Detail / AAA Quality
  • All Building Assets are Modular
  • 63 Decals ( Different types )
  • 14 Blueprints for Easy use (Buildings / Vehicles )
  • Includes Buldings which are fully modular
  • Animations for Some Assets
  • Complete Environment Set
  • Game ready/Optimized
  • Wide Range of Props (164 Pieces)
  • Unique concepts for Assets
  • Material Variations For Some Assets
  • Includes Modular Gears / Pipes System

Texture Sizes:

  • 4096
  • 2048
  • 1024
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