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Stylized Action Adventure Male + Customization

Stylized Action Adventure Male + Customization


A stylized male character with a functional customization system, directly compatible with the Epic Male skeleton. #Male #Stylized #Character #Battle #Royale #Third Person

ABOUT ENGINE VERSIONS : Character skeletal meshes are not tied to engine versions, hence this model or bundle of models will always be compatible with the latest version of the engine without the need for it to be explicitly marked as 4.XX compatible (at the exception of example blueprints if included). If this asset is not marked as "compatible with 4.XX" you can still download it as a previous version and migrate the asset, or edit the engine association in the .uproject. Thanks !


MERGING MALE AND FEMALE BUNDLES : The Male, Female, and Male+Female asset bundles all use the same folder name for consistency : "Action_Male_and_Female". If you import both using the Marketplace Launcher you will get an error. Instead import the two bundles into two separate blank projects, and then copy/paste the files and data tables you need using Explorer. Then add a the extra gender in the DT_Genders data Table to make it show up in the customization UI.

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